Innovation and financial health are mutually dependent success factors in our relentless and unwavering quest to enhance the value of your membership. At IMA®, we closed this past fiscal year (June 30) with 10% growth in revenues, 19% growth in total CMA® candidates (more than 25,000), 8% growth in members, and total membership rapidly approaching 80,000!
We have a strong balance sheet and reserves and an even stronger commitment to values, culture, and ethics. IMA’s net assets have increased by more than $6 million in the last five years alone thanks to growth in revenues, CMAs, and members; a sound investment strategy; cost discipline; and always “remembering the member” per our Core Values. Though IMA isn’t in it to “make money” per se, we remain committed to being financially healthy so we can serve your needs today and in the future.
I’m also proud to say that IMA has produced more innovations in the past three years than in the previous 10. These range from internal process improvements to new educational programs that benefit you directly, such as IMA’s Higher Education Endorsement Program, Strategic Finance’s redesign and digital experience, new certificate programs in internal controls and financial planning and analysis (FP&A), and an “Inspired Technology Lab” where new user-experience staff will help create a best-in-class experience for you when you access IMA’s website and other portals. In addition, IMA’s Leadership Academy, which contains more than two dozen compelling webinars delivered online and as live workshops, was built by our volunteers and continues to be a strong benefit of membership with no additional fee. Also, this fall IMA will be releasing CareerDriver, an online self-assessment tool for you to use to assess, diagnose, and enhance your job competencies. With its 40 job titles and 28 individual competencies and objective standards set for various levels of proficiency, we genuinely hope this new product helps you succeed in today’s challenging and competitive marketplace that requires you to differentiate yourself with multiple levels of pertinent skills and abilities.
We think of you as valued “shareholders” of the corporation. We will continue to drive forward with conviction of purpose in order to enrich careers, organizations, the profession, and the public interest. You should expect nothing less of IMA.
September 2015