Entries must follow the manuscript guidelines for Strategic Finance, including:
- Length should be approximately 2,500 to 3,000 words.
- It must be written in English and submitted in completed form for publication.
- The manuscript must not have been previously published and isn’t available to other publishers.
The deadline for entries is September 1, 2020. All entries will complete a double-blind review process for initial evaluation, followed by the final selection of the winner by the IMA Committee on Ethics in December 2020. The winning entry will be published in the March 2021 issue of Strategic Finance.
Submissions should be sent to sfmag@imanet.org. Please use the subject line “Curt Verschoor Ethics Feature” and include a completed submission form.
Questions regarding the competition can be sent to sfmag@imanet.org.
See the first Curt Verschoor Ethics Feature winner,
March 2020