Every day, management accountants help their organizations deliver value and realize opportunities. To acknowledge these contributions, IMA® observes ­International Management Accounting Day® on May 6. This is the third year we’ve honored accountants and financial professionals with such a celebration.

This special day of recognition commemorates the important role management accountants play within their organizations and in society. Part of IMA’s mission is to support their work around the world, pursuing initiatives to identify and address issues affecting the profession. This leadership role informs all our products and services, providing our members with perspective on how they can remain relevant in this fast-changing Digital Age.

One of the most popular and successful of our recent initiatives is the Women’s Accounting Leadership Series, which began in New York City in 2014 and has since expanded to several cities across the U.S. and, since last year, to Amsterdam. These events bring together women (and an increasing number of men) to discuss leadership development, strategies for career success, and challenges that women face in the workplace. Each event features top-notch speakers who are leaders in their respective fields and opportunities for attendees to exchange ideas in an open, welcoming forum.

In April, the Women’s Accounting Leadership Series expanded still further: We hosted events in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, India, and the UAE that attracted professional women and students from a variety of backgrounds and organizations. IMA Chair Ginger White spoke at these events, sharing her insights with attendees, and she was joined by other professional leaders. As with all our events in this series, attendees came away with a better understanding of the roles and opportunities for women as management accounting and finance professionals.

Are there people in your sphere of influence who don’t quite understand the work and role of management accountants? Perhaps you know a younger colleague, a student pursuing an accounting degree, or maybe a friend or family member? On the IMA website, we feature links to two excellent re­sources that can help explain what we do: Visit bit.ly/2Z94g3W. What better way to celebrate International Management Accounting Day and the work of IMA members than to help spread awareness about our great profession!

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