Originally known as the National Association of Cost Accountants, IMA was created to acquire and share the most up-to-date accounting information among its original 97 members. Major J. Lee Nicholson, the association’s founder, said at the time that he was “optimistic this organization is going to become one of the largest and most successful organizations of this kind in the country.”

One hundred years later, he would be proud to learn that IMA has more than 125,000 active members and is one of the leading accounting associations in the world. Our longevity and strength come from our ability to continuously implement innovative programs and services that benefit members. Many of these innovations are owed to the engagement and expertise of our vibrant IMA community.

As IMA looks to lead management accounting into the next 100 years, we want to mark the moment and celebrate the past with this special 100-Year Anniversary section. In the articles below, you’ll learn a little more about IMA’s history, the individuals who shaped our destiny, and the changes in the profession that have brought us to where we are now.

Thank you for helping make IMA the influential association it is today. Here’s to 100 years and counting!

Our Enduring Legacy: The History of IMA

IMA Pioneers: Four Who Made a Difference

Women at IMA: Creating Opportunities

Management Accounting: Expanding Relevance

Accounting Tech through the Years: A Long Look Back

IMA Connections: All in the Family

IMA Chairs: Memories from Volunteer Leaders

About the Authors