Needless to say, most of us have seen the lasting impact of changes in our professional and personal lives since the turn of the century. Both boom and bust have led to new frontiers in wealth and compliance. Legislation, model codes, and even voluntary compliance with best practices are now widely embraced as part of corporate and personal values. The current and next generations of workers were born into a world where social responsibility is taken seriously, especially as it will be a deciding factor in where they work and with whom.
IMA® continues to be a pioneer in this area, working to advance and prepare members for the rapid evolution of business and management accounting. Here are some of the ways we are staying ahead of the game:
- The IMA Leadership Academy provides education, mentorship, a track to recognition, and opportunities for members to become leaders in our global community.
- The IMA Women’s Accounting Leadership Series is dedicated to advancing the professional development and support of women in our profession through the sharing of insights and knowledge at live, world-class events.
- The IMA Financial Reporting Committee (composed of many of the most respected members of our profession) delivers relevant discussion on accounting standards directly to U.S. and global standards setters, including the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). The efforts of this Committee advance solutions for our members and the profession at large.
- IMA publishes Statements on Management Accounting (SMAs), which provide authoritative, expert-reviewed best practices within management accounting.
- The IMA Committee on Ethics publishes the acclaimed IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, adhered to by all IMA members.
With every page of our history book comes both successes and lessons learned. IMA remains your staunch advocate for advancing the profession, serving every segment of our global membership, and preparing to be a formidable presence in the lives of future generations.
I invite you to share your thoughts with me on this or any other topic at
November 2017