The first goal was an increase in our student membership. With now more than 15,500 student members and more than 100 student chapters in our organization, it’s exciting to know that the future of management accounting is in good hands in the coming years. Our student members’ increasing desire to engage in the management accounting profession and thirst to continue their learning through certification have been more of an encouragement to me than I could be to them.

My second goal was to continue to pursue strong growth from an international perspective. During my term, I’ve been fortunate to be able to visit our offices, corporations, chapters, and other venues for IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. I’ve had the privilege of meeting management accountants in all of these regions, and I continue to be impressed by their passion and drive. Although language barriers may exist, it’s good to know that management accounting is the same language everywhere. As a CFO, I feel reassured that others wrestle with the same issues I do at my company in the United States. I feel I have learned more from our non-U.S. members than I could ever pass on to them.

Third, I wanted to continue to be an ambassador for our world-class certification, the CMA® (Certified Management Accountant). No matter where I visit throughout the globe, the respect and admiration for our CMA remain strong. Students’ desire to find a pathway in accounting other than public accounting continues to drive their interest in pursuing the CMA. No matter where they’re located, CFOs like me are recognizing the added value this crucial knowledge set can bring to their careers and their organizations. We continue to see record-breaking numbers in new candidates, exams written, and new certified members worldwide. It has been an honor and a privilege to play a small part in that.

While I still plan on serving throughout the organization and in my profession, I want to take this last opportunity as your Chair to encourage each and every one of you to never stop learning, never stop serving, and never lose your passion. I’m convinced now more than ever that our greatest mission in life is to leave an impact on others. I’m also convinced that we accomplish this by doing my three “nevers.” Remember, our greatest learning source is each other, so tap into it.

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